How did i started to wear Crocs? Seriuosly i also don't know but end up i love so much as i feel so com-free when i'm wearing it..

It's all start on my 1st Crocs shoe which i bought it from some medical supplier where i use to work last time with an orthopedic surgeon in his physiotherapy center.
Then i last year i went to Singapore so ngam is GREAT SALE SINGAPORE then i pass by Crocs retail outlet saw it so tempting with some lady like style model which i can wear it to work! Plus after discount is much cheaper then KL
out of sudden Crocs Malaysia got warehouse sale!!! on Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ Ikano Power Center > so i'm thinking why not go tengok and see how cheap is it right compare to SGD right. Plus on the 1st day of the warehouse sale got extra 5% for Digi Customers so i was like dam! GREAT DEAL. Finally you know what?? i bought 3 pair!!!
Axis, McCall Women,Audrey
So happy actually on that day i bought 3pair , mum 3pair and my aunt 2pair > > NAIS!!!

(until my dad also beh than with both of us)
That is my mum collection
And finally guess what! i'm active on twitter right? (btw do follow me on twitter ya)
i do win a pair of Crocs on twitter leh! The only thing i think i just RT on twitter as many as i can "that's it"
Really wanna kiam siah (means Thank you in hokkien) to Crocs as appreciated me as their FANS even i got invited to their Crocs Malaysia Website launch, Facebook and Twitter too! Plus they appointment of 5 Official blogger
http://www.rebeccasaw.com/ (*Check out Rebecca Saw's blog about her experience with Crocs Malaysia Official Website
Launch! and you might stand a chance to win something!)
for details you maybe see on this blog too as some blogger do blog about the launch
Sometime some of my friend's asking me how come Crocs selling all diffent pirce? as like in pasar malam/tesco outside reatils shop there also selling...
I just answer them: buy ORGINAL CROCS in thier own Retail Outlet's only don't ever buy from outside retail or even online shopping.. mostly i can say is FAKE even i did try my aunt fake crocs is very hard material not like original crocs.
Trust me if you wanna carry COACH Bag why lah wanna carry fake 1... memalukan je.. same goes to crocs lo.. if u wanna wear then wear it ORGINAL..
Till then all the best to Crocs Malaysia.. erm. i still think what's type model i going to get for my Campaign Grand Prize a pair of FREE Crocs, Any suggestion??